If you are tired of only seeing your koi or goldfish at feeding time then The Aqua Ultraviolet Classic 40 Watt unit is what you have been looking for. It’s time to get your pond back! You spent lots of money on your water feature, and staring into a green abyss is not what you signed up for. You could have crystal clear water overnight! Aqua Guarantees clear water in 3 to 5 days when sized and installed properly. When used in a freshwater pond as a clarifier this 40 watt unit will clear up to 6000 gallons at a flow rate of 2900 GPH.
Don’t worry about disrupting the current landscape around your water feature or pond. These can be installed easily right in line with your existing system, often times hidden in plain sight.
Stick with the ones who know about water filtration and clarification. Aqua is a leading name in the industry, and UV lights are their specialty. Check out our article on UV lights to clear up any questions you may have. As always, please feel free to contact us with questions, or success stories you may have. We love to hear from you.
There is no shortage of choices with the Aqua line. Available with either 3/4″ or 2″ inlet/outlet, in black or white, with or without wiper.
The Aqua Ultraviolet Classic 40 is also available with a quartz sleeve wiper cleaning system as an option.
- Fresh Water Sterilizer 1200-2000 gals / Flow rate – 2900 gph for 30,000 µw/cm2
- Fresh Water Clarifier to 6000 gals
- Salt Water Sterilizer to 325 gals / Flow rate – 967 gph for 90,000 µw/cm2
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